Mudlet walk to target on scry
Mudlet walk to target on scry

mudlet walk to target on scry

Select "remove matching line from the screen." Be aware that doing this for individual works will remove the entire sentence so it is best to save this one for full lines. Sick of listening to Ambrosius give you casting advice? Do the same as above, highlight and make a trigger of his text. Save it and you're good to go! You can get more elaborate here and sort various things into categorized windows. I highlighted the text "A voice seems to say" and in the wizard selected "Capture matched line to another window" It then asks what the window name is. It places them into a new window entirely. Want to know when an SZ is sent your way? I would always miss them when running through the hexes, or crafting so I set this up to capture them. It will change the wizard view and you can select the color that you would like. Now you can use the wizard, select "Color text from mud" and "Add New Step". Simply highlight the text you are interested in, right click, and select make trigger. Want to highlight an ore, an item, or a name? I use this to highlight phrases when mining, or to determine success of a spell. Triggers can also help us highlight useful things, or put them into a new window entirely or allow us to ignore them. A trigger to announce improves is like this. Most people think of a trigger as "IF task A then perform command B" and this can work.

mudlet walk to target on scry

I would type obins 5 7 9 and it would open whatever bins I specified. What if I wanted to open bins 5, 7 and 9? I could do this instead. Of possible use is wildcards with the alias too. Open the alias tab, enter in the alias, and type the commands you are interested in. Hold shield in right handNothing too crazy here right? It is simplifying your typing is all. It becomes your own Dartmud data repository. It helps me remember my sparring points and spell information.Įven if you aren't working that craft you'll hear a great deal in the towns, or while hanging out at the smithy. I also keep track of what sparring and magic related tasks I'm at. Find a new item to craft? List it there with the materials needed. I have a tab for each craft, and add information as I come upon it. One thing I do is keep a tab open in my browser that contains my Google Document Spreadsheet of Dartmud goodies. Multiply this with cooking, smithing, and all of the other crafts and you have a pretty intimidating list of things to remember! Potentially you have quite a few steps involved from start to finish. A surcoat: Wool, sheared from your sheep, dye, grown or gathered as a raw material and turn into a proper dye, thread, spun from the proper fibers, and finally embroidered using whatever you'd like.

mudlet walk to target on scry

How much stuff? Hundreds of items in hundreds of combinations.

Mudlet walk to target on scry